This is not a new notion but when you’re buying/using media — use more than one vehicle and when possible, blend how the information is ingested. In other words, I see/hear your TV spot (or YouTube video), so add in a print element or something online that I can read. Access more of the audiences’ senses for more impact.
Having a media mix is very old school but it’s as relevant today as it was back in Ogilvy‘s day. Add that age old wisdom to today’s new truth — 75% of Americans (and I find it hard to believe we’re the only ones) watch TV and surf the web at the same time.
All the more reason to have a media blend in play.
A new study by Nielsen reinforces this idea and reminds us that this impacts recall as well. (link to Business Insider story) They found that advertising on multiple platforms substantially increases consumers’ ability to remember an ad campaign compared to when the ad is viewed on TV alone.

Nielsen findings support the idea of having a media blend or mix.
In a media lab study conducted by Nielsen, participants viewed related content across a TV, computer, smartphone and tablet. A 15-second video ad promoting a premium sports sedan was shown to different groups with some people seeing no ads, and others seeing the ad on different combinations of screens.
In the group that was exposed to TV ads alone, 50 percent of people correctly attributed the ad to the correct auto brand. For groups that saw the ad across all screens – TV, computer, smartphone and tablet – the ability to remember the brand jumped dramatically to nearly three-in-four (74%).
What does this mean for you and me? It means we need to be smart about how we utilize media. Follow these guidelines to take advantage of these insights:
Mix your media: Be sure you are cross promoting your message by having a URL in your print and broadcast ads. Share your radio and TV spots on your website. Use QR codes to drive your mobile audience to unique content designed for the mobile experience.
Use the strengths of each media/human sense to really drive your core messages.
Don’t think it’s all about the money: Keep in mind your Facebook fan page, your website/blog, Twitter, etc. as you build your media plan. Work on placing trade pub stories (online or in print) and getting others to share your content.
In today’s world — keep in mind that isn’t just about paid media. This is media you buy (advertising), own (your own sites) and earn (public relations) combined.
Deliver the same core messages on all media: Don’t get cute and have different messages for different media. The execution may change — but your core message should be consistent across the board.
Remember, you are building impressions so stay 110% consistent.
Interesting isn’t it? The more newness there is, the more the time tested foundational truths about advertising ring true.
How has all of this new media changed your philosophy?